RFID vs Radio Frequency Identification Readers for Asset Tracking

October 20, 2021

RFID vs Radio Frequency Identification Readers for Asset Tracking

No doubt about it, keeping track of assets can be a challenging task, especially when you have a large quantity of them. Fortunately, there are several technologies available to help with asset tracking, including RFID and radio frequency identification readers (RFID readers). While both technologies are useful, people often wonder which is better suited for their asset tracking needs.

We’ve done the research and compared the two technologies to provide you with a factual, unbiased comparison. Let’s take a look!

What is RFID Technology?

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects. The system consists of an RFID tag attached to each object and an RFID reader that picks up the signal emitted by the tag.

The RFID tag contains information about the object it is attached to, such as its serial number, location, and other relevant details. When an RFID reader picks up the signal, it sends the information to a central database that tracks the movement of the object.

What are Radio Frequency Identification Readers?

RFID readers are devices that read the information stored on an RFID tag. They use radio waves to detect and pick up the signal emitted by the tag. RFID readers can be handheld or mounted in a fixed location, such as a doorway or warehouse entrance.

RFID readers are essential for asset tracking because they are the devices that pick up the signal emitted by the RFID tag on an asset.

Comparison of RFID and RFID Readers

Comparison RFID RFID Reader
Cost Varies based on the type of tag. Usually, 10 cents to 50 cents per tag. Varies based on the type of reader. Usually, between $500 and $2000 per reader.
Read Range Up to 100 feet Up to 30 feet
Accuracy Good, up to 99% Better, up to 99.9%
Updatability Limited High


The cost of RFID depends on the type of tag used. RFID tags can range from 10 cents to 50 cents per tag. On the other hand, the cost of RFID readers varies based on the type of reader. Basic handheld readers can cost as little as $500, while more advanced readers can cost as much as $2000.

Read Range

RFID has a much wider read range compared to RFID readers. RFID can read tags from up to 100 feet away, while RFID readers generally have a read range of up to 30 feet.


RFID readers have better accuracy compared to RFID. RFID has an accuracy rate of up to 99%, while RFID readers can achieve up to 99.9% accuracy.


RFID has limited updatability compared to RFID readers. RFID tags can only store a limited amount of information, while RFID readers can constantly update and send information to a central database.


Both RFID and RFID readers are valuable technologies for asset tracking. If you are looking for a cost-effective solution, RFID might be the way to go. However, if accuracy is of the utmost importance, then RFID readers are the better choice. Ultimately, the decision comes down to which technology suits your specific asset tracking requirements.

We hope this comparison has helped you understand the differences between RFID and RFID readers. Happy asset tracking!


  1. "RFID Technology." RFID Journal. Retrieved from https://www.rfidjournal.com/what-is-rfid
  2. "RFID Reader." RFID Insider. Retrieved from https://blog.atlasrfidstore.com/the-different-types-of-rfid-readers

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